The principal of equivalence refers not just to an attitude to things outside of ourselves—respect for nature, and others—but to components within as well. This principle, as an active consciousness, helps response-ability-—i.e., the ability to respond with more resilience, more options, more variety and creativity. We can expand our repertoire of things we can do and achieve. Each organism, each element can move towards its own more Optimal Function. It is much more productive than living with ideals. It opens doorways to very creative thinking.
Training is thus a life-practice, an ethical practice, and a creative practice, as well as a practice which can help in times of illness or dis-ease.
Sometimes, though, the work can be very ordinary: providing relief from muscular pain; or a change of thinking. The difference in these instances lies in the depth of transformation and how supported, effective and integrated such trasnformations can be.
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