For 2021: Re-Storying: resilience (open access program)

By |2021-09-29T14:12:19+00:00March 2nd, 2021|bodysongs, clinic, homepage, shamanism, Upcoming Events|

Re-Storying is a practical, grounding, therapeutic and reinvigorating free program, created in partnership with ACT Health and The Street Theater, Canberra. It shares restorative, regenerative practices  and is available in person and online. All modules are free, to anyone, from anywhere, who registers. Zoom sessions throughout August/September; online (anytime access)  available soon.   [...]

“Let’s Act Out”

By |2017-10-19T17:55:59+00:00February 22nd, 2014|clinic, homepage, philosophy & ethics|

A client talked about how embarrassed he had been about his recent behaviour. A trained facilitator, he was about to embark on a great Odyssee and he feared his ego had got the better of him in the last few months. "There I was, acting out..." he complained [about himself]. I promised him I [...]

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searching the invisible…

By |2017-10-19T18:10:12+00:00November 1st, 2013|bodysongs, clinic, homepage, philosophy & ethics, shamanism|

The role of the shaman has always been to cross the border into the realm of the not-yet-know and bring it back into cognition. Along the way, the shaman may encounter cultural or emotional taboos. It is one reason why the healer exists—to cross the border, retrieve missing information, find links, act as guide. [...]

new (old) perspectives on the world

By |2017-10-26T18:58:03+00:00October 31st, 2013|bodysongs, clinic, homepage, philosophy & ethics, shamanism|

One day, in clinic, someone came to see me whose tract of land was poisoned, and by reading the “map” of her land from the energy in her body, I was able to help her plan strategies to cleanse the water and soil. To a scientist, this might sound spurious, but I tell you: [...]

the principle of equivalence

By |2017-10-26T18:55:02+00:00September 29th, 2013|clinic, dance ecology, homepage, philosophy & ethics|

The principle of Equivalence is a very basic tenet of shamanism, and to many indigenous peoples. Living with this principle demands respect for all existence. Where are our prejudices? Do we prefer body to mind, endings to beginnings? Ageing vs. birthing, motion vs. restriction, the self vs. the landscape around us. We all carry [...]

where do I begin?

By |2018-06-15T03:20:25+00:00August 22nd, 2013|clinic, homepage, shamanism|

I want you to look closely at this image. It is a map of the human body, according to healers in ancient Tibet. The reach of the energy meridians goes far beyond the confines of our physical outline. Such is the force of our energy fields, our influence; imagine therefore how much force, wisdom and information is within its reach. cfc

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