We live in stories: we don’t need to be stuck in the bad ones

Therapeutic storytelling can expand our narratives, refresh stuck points, give agency over our story and empower us to create our futures differently.

TheStoryChapel is a collaborative hub of facilitators who can help your community and its people—whether young or old, able and capable or at a challenging point in their lives– play, shuffle, reorder, have fun, create, shimmy, re-word their stories and be heard.

We do this

in person via

  • workshops and drop-ins;

online via developing

  • a major podcast program, sharing stories of lived experience and learnings;
  • a YouTube channel, giving access to story-transforming games and practices
  • A Substack presence: for deeper dives;

–in end-of-life care situations, to

  • help people document the lives of their loved ones. We can help you create books, eBooks, and digital storybooks or videos to be shared with families and friends at funeral services and beyond.

We also support

  • front-line workers, providing arts processes that help with neurological settling and self-regulation
  • people of special needs and abilities (including the neurodivergent), creating safe spaces for storysharing, rebuilding self-esteem, and life-story transformation

as well as

  • creating in-person and online learning tools for workplaces which may be stuck in non-optimal models they don’t know how to change.

Your community, whether professional, cultural or social, can benefit from the agency that creative practices bring to our being-in-the-world,  co-creating our bright futures, together.

TheStoryChapel creative care that changes lives.